· Naughties
· · 2003
· · · February
· · · · 02 (3 entries)
DVD Player Stupidity ·
Like most people, we have a DVD player, we climbed on board the bandwagon sometime in 2002. Unlike many who live in North America, we have strong family ties to Germany and to Australia, and have acquired DVDs from both places. Of course, we couldn't play them on the Sony DVD player because the entertainment industry puts "region codes" on DVDs, dividing the world into six movie-viewing islands. I am not going to dignify this idiocy by relaying their rationale; really just another symptom of the brain disorder affecting the industry that causes them to view their customers primarily as thieves and abusers ...
Shattered in Spring ·
I was up on the ladder ripping the climbing jasmine out from between the shingles where once a year it tries to burrow. The garden, to be honest, looks terrible this time of year, the sprinkle of crocuses and the happy moss notwithstanding; shattered and beaten-up under a steel-grey sky ...
By Tim Bray.
The opinions expressed here
are my own, and no other party
necessarily agrees with them.
A full disclosure of my
professional interests is
on the author page.
I’m on Mastodon!