· Naughties
· · 2002
· · · September
· · · · 05 (4 entries)

Buddhist Hardware · Buddhist Hardware I was in Home Depot, which is an intense kind of place. People look at the shelves intensely, they talk to each other intensely, and they talk to the orange aprons really intensely, with direct eye contact ...
Emacs on Mac OS X · Emacs on Mac OS X It turns out that there is a perfectly good version of GNU Emacs for the Mac OS X. When I first climbed on board OS X, I was frightened of downloading and building software, so I cast about and found a place to grab a binary version. It turns out to be not too bad. I'd put in pointers for the central GNU Emacs page and the current page of the guy who's co-ordinating the OS X work, but the GNU people are pretty slack about their Web presence, and the OS X stuff page currently starts with http://members.shaw.ca/, so it's probably better to track the right place down with a decent search engine ...
Terror · Terror is Symmetric One side sends a kid with a bomb into a crowded street to blow himself to Hell with the hope of killing innocents. The other side mortars a residence and kills innocents in the hope of taking out an enemy bigwig. These are perhaps distinguished in the underlying hope, but that bears no moral weight ...
The Warriors Formed the Outline of a Heart · Warsinger died. Warsinger is the nom-de-guerre of a mid-level player in the middlingly-popular MMORPG Dark Age of Camelot. Cameloters fight fearsome monsters that swarm the countryside (and often lose). Camelot is divided into three realms, Midgard, Albion, and Hibernia, who regularly fight each other and win and lose and die ...
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