· Teens
· · 2019
· · · July
· · · · 27 (2 entries)

Google Pixel Photo Workflow · I recently wrote about the excessive difficulty of moving the Google Pixel phone’s excellent pictures through a Lightroom workflow. It turns out that Lightroom has a solution; herewith details, upsides, downsides, and alternatives. Also, cautionary words for Adobe on Lightroom Classic ...
Google Camera RAW vs JPG · I recently wrote about how to move the excellent photos from the Google Pixel phone Camera app into a desktop Lightroom workflow. I was pleased that it’s easy to tell the camera to generate DNG “RAW” files and include them in the process. But apparently, the camera’s JPGs are better and more useful than the DNGs. That’s weird ...
author · Dad
colophon · rights
Random image, linked to its containing fragment

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