· Teens
· · 2018
· · · February
· · · · 11 (2 entries)

Photo Antiphony · Mobile-phone cameras are better this year than last, and next year they’ll be better again. The notion of carrying around a heavy chunk of metal and glass called “a camera” is becoming difficult to defend and this makes me sad, because I like cameras. Using the big fat Samyang 135mm F2 is giving me strong opinions about what a camera has to be to become the anti-phone, the one you’ll take along even though there’s a good camera on your phone ...
SotD: Mercy Street · Nobody could call this obscure; Peter Gabriel’s So sold a kazillion copies and was right in the center of the zeitgeist for months back in the late Eighties. The songs were good, the sound was good, and (especially) the videos were good, which really mattered in 1986. Mercy Street was not one of its big hits, which always astonished me; I thought it by far and away the album’s highlight ...
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