· Teens
· · 2012
· · · September
· · · · 29 (2 entries)

Button Button · We were going downtown on a shopping errand and just where we parked, found Button Button (view source on that site for a giggle). As they say, it’s an amusing little button store, and the buttons amused my eyes, so here are some pictures that might amuse yours.
[1 comment]  
On Oatmeal · It has come to my attention that much of the world is Doing It Wrong. This is the obvious conclusion from the many supermarket shelf-feet of misguided “Instant”, “Quick”, and “Flavored” products. Oatmeal porridge done right is a fine start to any day; but like many of the best things in life, you can’t hurry it up ...
author · Dad
colophon · rights
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