· Naughties
· · 2008
· · · October
· · · · 27 (3 entries)

Contribute · If you want the Web to help you earn a living during tough times, you’d better be giving something back. [This is part of the Tough Times series.] ...
On Blogging in 2008 · This month Wired magazine advises everyone to pull the plug on blogging. Last month, Technorati released the State of the Blogosphere 2008. Next month in the Atlantic, Andrew Sullivan will publish Why I Blog (well, it’s October right now, and Sullivan’s piece is clearly labeled “November”). Me, I blog less these days ...
The Shape of the Cloud · There’s an interesting argument going on about the business-structure futures of the Big Cloud that everyone assumes is in our future. Some links in the chain: Hugh Macleod, Tim O’Reilly, Nick Carr, and Tim again. A few points about this seem obvious; among other things, Amazon Web Services is reminding me powerfully of Altavista ...
author · Dad
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