· Naughties
· · 2006
· · · June
· · · · 01 (3 entries)

Bloglines · So, Bloglines has launched their blog search thing and, of all the blog search engines I have tried, this is one of them. Paul Querna says that it’s better because it doesn’t do tags. Uh, OK. Anyhow, congrats; now that this triumph has been recorded, maybe that will free up some Bloglines cycles for fixing the actual core offering that makes them interesting, that millions of people use to cruise the blogosphere, that I used to recommend to everyone, and that Sam Ruby just broke again? I would really like to be a friend of Bloglines.
Innovation Happens Elsewhere · Tantek Çelik writes, on the subject of work by Scott Reynen: “Companies take note - on the internet, there will always be smarter, more clever people building on each other's work than your secret internal committees, your architecture councils, your internal discussion forums — no matter how many supergeniuses you think you may have hired away and locked up with golden shackles in your labs. Either play open or expect your proprietary formats and protocols to be obsolete before they've even seen the light of day.” [Update: It’s been pointed out to me that some might not recognize the title, which was originally uttered by Bill Joy and is also the title of a book by Goldman and Gabriel.]
Credit 2.0™ Where It’s Due · James Governor grumbled at me about repeatedly crediting Hal Stern for the “Web 2.0 = Writeable Web” meme, specifically pointing out Read/Write Web by Rich McManus (which is excellent). He’s got a point, but if we’re going to start down that road, we’ll end up with Tim Berners-Lee, who has repeatedly made it clear that he always thought of the Web as a place to write, not just read. And if we’re going to talk about practice not theory, you’d end up looking at Dave Winer, who pushed RSS in everyone’s face and, more important, proved that a fast-writing ornery geek could gather an audience and wield influence by, you know, doing it. And as a geek myself, I’ve always liked James Snell’s chmod 777 web. Until this minute, I’d thought Hal was the first to nail the 2.0 connection; but now I think that James got there first (May vs. October 2005).
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