· Naughties
· · 2006
· · · January
· · · · 25 (2 entries)

People Bubble · It looks like talent is getting damn short out there. The frequency of calls from recruiters is up, way up. Total ice-cold calls, like “We need a CEO for a enterprise-class social software offering.” In a lot of cases they’re not after me, just “We heard that you know lots of people in the space.” The shots are noticeably longer and the frequency is up and up, particularly since the start of the year. No, I don’t know what it means.
Real People · A few weeks ago I was talking to the people at the Sun Developer Network and they asked me what I thought of the site; I looked and it seemed like a decent developers’ site, but unfortunately decorated with the usual lame stock photos of handsome young men and women, carefully-balanced as to skin colour, so I grumbled at ’em. Today they pinged me again and said “Check out the Network Channel page” and what do you know, now they have pictures of actual Sun developers on there. Still race/gender balanced, but you know, there’s nothing actually wrong with that. And the actual real people look way better than the stock catalog models to me. Dear world: use real people on your web site. Now I guess I’m on the hit-list of the Association of Ethnically-Diverse Generic Bright Young Thing Models.
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