· Naughties
· · 2006
· · · January
· · · · 20 (4 entries)

FSS: Feather, Gauze, Vase · Friday Slide Scan #19 is from around 1990 and is well-described by this fragment’s title; it’s really very pretty ...
The Aquarium · People have been asking for it since forever, and recent releases of Roller now have a group-blogging feature. I’ve always been skeptical of the idea, which redefines “blog” from being about an individual voice to being about a shared interest; because people are bigger and more interesting than their interests. But over the last couple of weeks, my attention has several times been drawn to pieces in The Aquarium, which is a group blog about GlassFish. While I’m not really an EE kinda guy, I can see how someone who cares about that stuff could find this kind of a resource useful. For example, check out this pointer to an over-elaborated but nonetheless useful article about doing REST in in JAX. Maybe “group blogs” have legs.
Upcoming Gig: JavaOne · Hah, I’m delighted. JavaOne accepted my talk, entitled Sigrid: The simplest possible grid computing platform. See you in San Fran in May!
Marketing Truth · I get peeved at Nicholas Carr sometimes, but he’s done a superb piece of work pushing hard on SAP and Oracle for using statistics in their ads in a way that is at best non-transparent and at worst, well let’s not go there. It’s got to the point that whenever I see a quantitative claim in an ad I assume it’s a lie. There should be penalties; public ridicule feels appropriate.
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