· Naughties
· · 2005
· · · December
· · · · 05 (2 entries)

Search For Sale · In response to yesterday’s Buying Search Traffic, Russell Beattie (who works for Yahoo) writes: Search is already determined by who pays the most for it! Everywhere you see a search box with a Google logo, be sure that there's a competitor out there that will pay for the same spot—because search advertising is so monetizable. Google is everywhere because they're paying for it. Wow, I had no idea. Now, this is just one person’s voice, but I’m running it because I think Russell is probably in a position to know, and is honest in my experience. Anyone else want to confirm or refute? [Ah, Om Malik was on the story back in September.]
RFC 4287 · I hadn’t seen the announcement, but this looks like a stable official IETF link to RFC 4287, The Atom Syndication Format. A little more work and we’ll have the publishing protocol done and I can return to my plow (or equivalent). The work of the WG and editors was just outstanding, and the IETF did, as advertised, provide a useful quality-control process without unduly getting in the way. Thanks everyone. The world now has a general-purpose syndication format that is small, stable, based on the last decade’s lessons, clean, and widely implemented. I feel happy.
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