· Naughties
· · 2005
· · · October
· · · · 21 (2 entries)

FSS: Dad, Rob, Bike · Friday Slide Scan #11 is from the summer of 1964. It shows my Dad fixing my bike, with my brother Rob looking on. The location is the Beka’a valley in Lebanon, so there’s some back-story ...
Vince Ready · [This piece is about a nasty teachers’ strike here in BC, and probably only of local interest.] So if Vince can pronounce the bargaining process dead and cook up a proposal that looks like it’s going to end the fight, and do it in like 24 hours, why the ^#!%$ didn’t they hire him six months ago!? To Vince: Bill ’em for $100K for the day. To the government: Pay the bill. To the BCTF: Insist on covering half of it (Oh, and for gosh sakes climb down, you’re winning; stall on accepting the deal and your public support will be in single digits in fifteen minutes). [Update: The teachers are are going back, thank goodness. Yes, there’s a real chance the Campbell government will try to welsh on the class-size part of the deal, they apparently think that starving the public-education system of money is good governance; then again, they won the last election. But, having folded their tent and gone back to work, the teachers are going to be in a strong political position next time push comes to shove.]
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