· Naughties
· · 2005
· · · August
· · · · 17 (3 entries)

Hey There, Adobe! · The name kind of says it all: blogs.adobe.com. Glad to have you guys on board. Not sure about those “Terms of Use”, though, and shouldn’t the titles on the front page be clickable? Hey, the comments are all-moderated, which I think is very sensible. I spot a trend or two.
Pop the Champagne! · The Atom 1.0 data format is an IETF standard. A “proposed standard” actually, but proposed standards are first-class IETF citizens. In a few months, the slow-grinding wheels of the RFC Editor will emit an actual RFC number, but the official text is echoed (in HTML, too) here. The future is unfolding.
Podcasting and Patricia · I got a nice email this afternoon from PatriciaBarber.com, letting me know that there’s a new concert DVD for sale, and inviting me to drop by the A/V section for a sampler. So I did, and you might want to also, the video’s good and there are some pretty nice audio tracks there for download. I’ve written about Ms Barber before, I’m a real admirer. So, here’s a gifted artist out there in the Long Tail with a moderate but devoted fan base, here’s this hot new podcasting thing running up headlines everywhere... am I the only one wanting to connect the dots? Right now I buy all of Ms Barber’s disks, which I think is less than one a year on average; so given record-company economics, she’s making maybe $10/year net from me. Would I sign up for a bi-weekly podcast for a couple bucks a month, recent live performances and so on? In a flash! She could double or triple her takings from this typical fan, and the costs of staging the stuff wouldn’t be that much. Yeah, there’d be piracy, but a Long Tail performer like this might even welcome it, because a certain number of illicit-recording recipients are going to become devoted fans and want to sign up; what I believe they call “marketing”. What am I missing?
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