· Naughties
· · 2005
· · · July
· · · · 10 (1 entry)

Morning Entertainment · For those of you on the West Coast who have a few spare early moments, check out the Tour de France, which I think is pretty good TV entertainment. These days, with the kid on summer vacation, the house is quiet early, so those mornings where I don’t have a phone call or something I’ve been watching the last half-hour of the Tour stages, which finish sometime between 7 and and 8, Pacific time. While I use a bike for lots of errands around Vancouver, I’m hardly a buff; but the strength and courage of these men is compelling, even if you’re missing the finer points. Web coverage here and here. [Update: Rafe Colburn wrote to point me at the Daily Peloton, and he’s right, it’s good.]
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