· Naughties
· · 2005
· · · April
· · · · 03 (2 entries)

Why We Need Atom Now · We’re getting real, real close to sending the Atom data-format draft off for general IETF review; the rest of the process can’t happen too fast for me, because there are two big problems that bite me every day that Atom will give the engineers the tools to fix ...
GNU/Solaris? · Solaris engineer Eric Boutilier has been running a series entitled “Unix from Scratch”. What’s at the end of the road Eric’s heading down is “GNU/Solaris”; a distro that does what Linux does, but has the Solaris kernel and management goodies; see his posts here and here. If I understand things correctly, once OpenSolaris ships, anyone with the energy and skill can just go and build that distro, no permissions required. I think Sun should do it, and then support it. Obviously, we can’t weaken Solaris Classic because our customers depend on it and furthermore we make money supporting it; but GNU/Solaris would be a darn nice product, and a nice new line of business.
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