· Naughties
· · 2005
· · · February
· · · · 27 (5 entries)

Banalities R Us · Last weekend’s Northern Voice conference has been covered to death, in words and pictures. For those who read French, quite a different take from Karl Dubost. Anyone who says I presented une série de banalités inintéressantes has to be worth reading. Also, he points to Stephen Downes’ presentation, generally agreed to have been the most controversial of the conference. It turns out that, while I disagree pretty comprehensively with Downes, he’s a good writer, check it out.
Free Lebanon! · I lived in Lebanon for eleven years, before the civil war broke out, and I’m profoundly happy to see the Lebanese standing up to face down the goons from the hereditary dictatorship next door ...
Free No Longer · I visited Technorati on Friday and we had a talk about the business side. Among other things, I argued that they should shut down their free service. I’m surprised that this is controversial ...
Linux to Solaris Diary · On February 25, 2005, I undertook to transfer a nontrivial software development/deployment setup from OS X and Linux to Solaris 10. I have lots of old Unix and recent Linux experience, but none with Solaris. This entry will serve as the permanent home for my technical diary documenting the learning process, which I shall update in-place. [Updated: New sections on docs.sun.com, NFS, and, believe it or not, %.] ...
730 ongoing Days · Two years ago today I turned this thing on. I mentioned it to Lauren last night and she said “Is that all?” Indeed. There’s really not that much to add to last year’s anniversary remarks, except once again to offer thanks to those who read, and especially those who write back, in their own space or directly. ongoing these days is not growing faster than the whole blogosphere, probably because my job is so interesting that it consumes a higher and higher proportion of my creative energies (the last couple of days I spent hours and hours building a project framework on an internal wiki). But the blogosphere is growing, and fast; it’s a good thing to be part of.
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