· Naughties
· · 2004
· · · November
· · · · 05 (2 entries)

Blogs and Wikis · Lots of people, both here at Sun and out there in rest of the world, like to talk about “blogs-and-wikis” like it’s one word or they’re one thing; I was reviewing the text of an upcoming book about the space today, and it asserted that “Obviously, the two are converging.” Huh? Granted that they’re both about people placing content on the Web for other people, but in their essential nature, it seems like they couldn’t be more different. A wiki is a collaborative construction engine, with refactoring and edit-in-place being the dominant forms of activity, and many equal voices singing in a chorus. A blog is more like a content faucet, a source with one voice, always growing at one end; while updates to existing content are OK, the dominant activity is pouring new text and pictures and whatever in. I suppose you can apply syndication technology to both, but I don’t see that much similarity or convergence. At a deep level, I don’t think blogs are really a new thing in the world; but wikis are.
Technorati Revised · Check out Dave’s summary. My favorite add-on is the fast keyword search, but there are lots of other goodies there too.
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