· Naughties
· · 2004
· · · August
· · · · 19 (2 entries)

The Back Door · There are only two ways into the technology market, the front door and the back door. Some examples that came in through the front door: ERP, mainframes, and Lotus Notes. Back-door arrivals: personal computers, Unix, and Dynamic Languages (Perl, Python, and so on). You can build a business both ways. And, now that I’ve been here at Sun for almost six months, I wonder: Which door should we be knocking on? ...
Potsticker Geek · Well, normally I’d stick this in a Sunbeams posting, but it’s good enough to go standalone; you might want to take a trip over and check out Potsticker Guru AKA James C. Liu. A geek’s geek and a good writer and funny, too.
author · Dad
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