· Naughties
· · 2004
· · · June
· · · · 13 (2 entries)

Sunbeams, June 13 · Herewith the latest harvest from the Sunbloggin’ posse: John Clingan is on a bit of a roll; his top piece questions the whole “technology analyst” ballgame, and second from the top, he washes some dirty Sun laundry in public (who says we don’t let it all hang out?). Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart does some basic consciousness-raising about J2EE and Application Servers. And Martin Hardee writes about the horrendous difficulty of keeping something like Sun.com organized and (ideally) useful; that’s a problem I wouldn’t be brave enough to anywhere near.
Yet Another TDD Sermon · I’ve preached here before (more than once) about the virtues of Test-Driven Development (TDD), but never given it top billing, so here goes. Over the last twenty years I’ve seen the rise of Structured Programming and Object-Oriented Programming and Message Passing and the Relational Model and those are all good things, but TDD is the single biggest advance in my lifetime. It might (finally) turn software from an amateur’s kitchen to an engineering discipline. Herewith some more anecdotal evidence, and practical advice for Software Development managers. [Updated with pointers to PyUnit, NUnit and PHPUnit.] ...
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