· Naughties
· · 2004
· · · June
· · · · 10 (3 entries)

Atom News · Yes, there will be an Atom IETF Working Group. No, there is no “standards war” ...
Sunbeams, June 10 · I’ve subscribed the aggregated feed over at Planet Sun, mostly in curiosity at how this experiment turns out. Since we’re now somewhere around 300 contributors and growing fast, I won’t be able to keep up down the road; but at the moment I do see a lot of interesting stuff go by, and what I’ll do is aggregate the bits that catch my eye every little while here under the label Sunbeams. Today’s take includes Moazam Raja on Omniscient Debugging (I’ve subscribed to Moazam separately, he’s essential), Hung-Sheng Tsao on all sorts of geeky sysadmin stuff, Frank Lagorio’s scorching smackdown of marketing in Sarbanes-Oxley space, Ron Ten-Hove on JBI (the programmer’s-eye view into Web Services), Josh Simons’ adorable albino squirrel (I’m not kidding, check it out), and finally MCWong’s must-read guide to Kopi in Singapore.
Supernova · I accepted Kevin Werbach’s kind invitation to his Supernova conference later this month; I’ll be on the Syndication Nation panel with Sifry, Boutin, and Hourihan. While I was Antarctica full-time, I got out of the conferencing world, and that world has gone through some pretty severe changes; I wonder if I’ll still like it? Normally at these things I spend the whole time in the hallway gossiping, but there are some sessions that look like they could be hot.
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