· Naughties
· · 2004
· · · March
· · · · 05 (3 entries)

Pictures and Lies · I was poking around the Web today and in the space of a minute, ran across two completely different pictures that made me shake my head and think “That’s a lie.” Here they are. [Update: One of the parties reacted. Jump to the end of the article to read about it.] [Six months later, the other party got its hand slapped!] ...
Vox Populi · Maybe everyone knows about Radio Vox Populi, but I didn’t. I don’t think I’ll make a habit of it, but it’s worth a visit.
Horrifying, Beautiful · Via Jeremy Hedley’s excellent Antipixel, a pointer to the World Press Photo 2003 prizewinners. This has some of the most beautiful pictures you will ever see, but don’t go there if you’re feeling fragile or depressed; this is news photography, and news is usually all about pain and death and tragedy. In particular, if you have a little boy that you love, be careful; 2003 was a year that terrible things happened to little boys and photographers were there. For more cheer, skip down to the nature category, especially the lake-view of Chicago; really almost beyond belief.
author · Dad
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Random image, linked to its containing fragment

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