· Naughties
· · 2003
· · · October
· · · · 15 (2 entries)

Life Lessons · “Look Mommy, there’s a button on the table!” said the kid. “Yes, I think it came off Daddy’s pants.” Silence... a bit too much silence. “What are you doing!?!?” Tableau of horrified little boy crouched over the hot-air vent, looking up with crumbling face as he realizes he’s Done Something Wrong. There is, after all, no argument from first principles (those available to a four-year-old, anyhow) that you shouldn’t drop a nice shiny button down the heating vent. Subsequently, parents observe that uncontrollable giggles seriously impair both the solemn lesson about Not Dropping Things Down the Vent and the effort to soothe the child’s bruised feelings.
There’s Still No Such Thing as a Web Site · I originally covered this subject back on February 27th, 2003, the same day that I announced ongoing to the world. I think it’s worth revisiting, because it sure would be handy if there were such a thing as a Web Site, as Dave Winer, Sam Ruby, and Jeremy Zawodny have all observed ...
author · Dad
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