· Naughties
· · 2003
· · · July
· · · · 11 (2 entries)

The Hunger Barrier · I read something heartfelt and damning today that reminded me of stories my Dad used to tell. Today would have been his 78th birthday, but the Alzheimer’s finally got him just after his 77th. Mr. Touré and Mr. Compaoré, the authors of that article, are the Presidents, respectively, of Mali and Burkina Faso. Most readers will know little of these countries except that they are African and poor; their article explains one of the reasons they stay poor, and the remarkably simple and painless way we could make that problem go away ...
On Search: Stopwords · Here’s a Google search for a famous phrase, to be or not to be; give it a try and see what happens. When you look at word frequencies, it appears that there are a few words that appear unreasonably often and carry unreasonably little information. They are called “stopwords,” and this (brief) eighth bead in the On Search necklace considers them ...
author · Dad
colophon · rights
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