· Naughties
· · 2003
· · · May
· · · · 07 (4 entries)

La Bohème · It was a late evening, we had a fine dinner and then went to see La Bohème at the Vancouver Opera. I'm not a connaisseur, but there are a couple of important reasons why you should go see opera sometime, if you don't already ...
Perfect Tool: C-Clamp Mini Tripod · If you carry a camera around you should hide one of these at the bottom of your bag; there’s always one in my briefcase. It will turn a lot of basic shots from impossible to easy. [Updated again: blogging e-commerce in action!] ...
iYear · It was about a year ago that, after a decade or so of Windows on my client and Unix/Linux on my servers, I bought a TiBook and got into OS X. I am only rarely tempted to go back. It's worth it, I think, to look back over the past year and see what the take-aways are ...
Updated · The ongoing software's been updated to adorn the front page with a photo for your viewing pleasure. Also, pages with pictures on them now use shrunken versions that link to separate full-sized ones, so ongoing should be much less arduous for those not in broadbandland. The software changes have been done for days and days on the laptop, where I've been watching to see if anything breaks and it looks OK, but Murphy is usually in there pitching so do please let me know if anything looks weird or broken.
author · Dad
colophon · rights
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necessarily agrees with them.

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