· Naughties
· · 2003
· · · April
· · · · 20 (3 entries)

The Mac Needs One More Key · As I've written before, Windows is immensely better than OS X at keyboard navigation. This makes a real difference in the quality of the experience and especially the speed with which you can get work done. I've been thinking about how to work around this, and the only answer is another key on the keyboard, named Menu ...
The Joy of Refactoring · I wanted to make some changes to the code that generates ongoing (stand by: redesign incoming), and this required some fairly serious refactoring. Refactoring is right at the center of good coding practice; programmers often bend over backwards to avoid it, which is almost always wrong. This theme shows up in the best writing on the subect going back decades, and illustrates an even more central lesson about software development ...
Lap to Lamp · A slight rework this evening for ongoing, most visible in the sidebar material to the left and right. The previous cut was Linux/Apache/Perl, this one adds Mysql to the mix. But the LAMP acronym comes up short, there really ought to be an X in there for XML, time for Udell to think up something. I thought it might be interesting to write up some of the design issues, but then I decided no, that wouldn't be interesting at all, so this is just to ask for feedback if I've broken anything, make a couple of general observations, and note that I now hate SQL much less ...
author · Dad
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are my own, and no other party
necessarily agrees with them.

A full disclosure of my
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