Week ending Sunday 2012/04/08

Monday 00:05 · Vancouver nocturnes: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/201x/2012/04/02/Nocturnes [Original.]

Monday 11:08 · RT @zeldman: Use these characters to check your type: "agh! iIl1" #aea (Looks good in FF Tisa Web Pro) [Original.]

Monday 15:12 · The hubbub around Readability et al would ease off quite a bit if publishers were to make their sites more, you know, readable. [Original.]

Monday 15:17 · Hey @anildash, I read you as asserting that a site can’t both (a) have ads and (b) provide a good reading experience. Am I mis-reading? [Original.]

Monday 15:46 · Hey, a contest: #leastreadablesite - Has to be reasonably mainstream. I nominate www.jpost.com/DiplomacyAndPolitics/Article.aspx?id=264545, can you top that? [Original.]

Monday 22:00 · Was going to try to explain my amusement over the Trudeau/boxing story to an American, but it would be a really long explanation. [Original.]

Tuesday 00:55 · Policemen having a Really Bad Day: www.jwz.org/blog/2012/04/fuck-the-police/ [Original.]

Tuesday 00:57 · @yukihiro_matz I’m not sure what you said, but the English auto-translation was pretty good poetry. [Original, responding to @yukihiro_matz.]

Tuesday 08:34 · David Byrne on customer abuse by publishers: journal.davidbyrne.com/2012/04/040212-technology-give-and-take.html [Original.]

Tuesday 09:03 · Sitting on the ground in Vancouver because there's (gasp) fog in San Fran. [Original.]

Tuesday 15:01 · @luckiestmonkey I’m down at the ’plex; not hip enough for your neighborhood. [Original, responding to @luckiestmonkey.]

Tuesday 21:46 · @gruber @danielpunkass Reeder has really good G reader integration. But yeah. [Original, responding to @gruber.]

Tuesday 21:48 · @danielpunkass @gruber fwiw "grep Reeder access_log | awk ' {print $1}' | sort -u | wc -l" is producing some surprising numbers these days. [Original, responding to @danielpunkass.]

Tuesday 21:52 · @danielpunkass Obviously you don‘t do public transit that often [Original, responding to @danielpunkass.]

Tuesday 21:56 · Finally upgraded: Lion on a 15" 8G MBP. Very fast. Except for keyboard autorepeat, which takes a second to start autorepeating. Pfui. [Original.]

Tuesday 22:01 · @joelknighton Made no difference. [Original, responding to @joelknighton.]

Tuesday 22:02 · @joelknighton Sorry, should have been more clear; my issue is the latency before autorepeat starts to happen. [Original, responding to @joelknighton.]

Tuesday 22:05 · @joelknighton Sigh, no luck [Original, responding to @joelknighton.]

Tuesday 22:05 · @joelknighton Ah, may need to log out [Original, responding to @joelknighton.]

Tuesday 22:10 · @joelknighton First, XXX is 25, then you have to log out. [Original, responding to @joelknighton.]

Tuesday 23:27 · I admit, I hadn’t picked the Galaxy Note as a winner. But the ads are good and they’re selling buttloads. Must spend some time with one. [Original.]

Tuesday 23:40 · @JeniT I’ve always thought you looked smart, but thanks for the intel. [Original, responding to @JeniT.]

Wednesday 09:00 · The definitive HOWTO for DBD::MySQL on OS X: bixsolutions.net/forum/archive/index.php/thread-31.html [Original.]

Wednesday 13:38 · It’s unfashionable to have moved from a MBP to a larger MBP, not an Air. Having said that, the 15" matte 1680x1050 screen is… wonderful. [Original.]

Wednesday 16:56 · @twleung Yeah, the existing 15" already has an i7 and 8G, and my poor old Mac was really buckling under the load. [Original, responding to @twleung.]

Wednesday 17:08 · @charismaticdog I suspect that what we really need is the 8G memory. But that screen sure is a nice bonus. [Original, responding to @charismaticdog.]

Wednesday 21:58 · Another nice thing about the big MBPro is that it has real actual speakers. Currently listening to Miles Davis: sashafrerejones.tumblr.com/post/20504484788/miles-davis-rated-x-billy-preston-from [Original.]

Wednesday 23:15 · @kk well, @KKK would have unfortunate connotations. [Original, responding to @kk.]

Thursday 09:03 · Reading about Canadian Mint’s e-cash initiative, MintChip: developer.mintchipchallenge.com/ Anybody know anyone who’s working on this? [Original.]

Thursday 10:13 · @dret Those were taken with a 2-year-old Canon S90 point-&-shoot. Had to crank the contrast a bit to undo the effects of haze, that’s all. [Original, responding to @dret.]

Friday 18:06 · Puzzle: The number 2.2×10¹⁹ is interesting. Why? [Original.]

Friday 18:36 · . @metoposaurus 2.2 times ten to the power 19 [Original, responding to @metoposaurus.]

Friday 19:03 · @mezzoblue @gruber Maybe not the single best Vancouver beer, but a contender. Delighted that they’re exporting. [Original, responding to @mezzoblue.]

Friday 20:04 · The kid’s watching a Transformers movie. Incredibly lame, but visually quite inventive in places. [Original.]

Friday 20:10 · Silhouette Masterpiece Theatre: silhouettemasterpiecetheatre.com/ [Original.]

Friday 21:49 · @ggoodale You win. I thought of it as “the number of UUIDs you have to mint before there’s a 50% chance of collision”. Will blog & credit. [Original, responding to @ggoodale.]

Saturday 20:43 · @chadfowler I have this vivid memory of a recording of Don McLean doing the definitive “Both Sides Now”, but there’s no evidence it exists. [Original, responding to @chadfowler.]

Saturday 20:56 · @lukec Hah, fine day, we took a turn around the Creek and the Bay and had dinner on-board at sunset, the city glowing. Good day for boats. [Original, responding to @lukec.]

Saturday 21:31 · It’s suggested that www.riglondon.com/blog/2011/05/06/the-new-aesthetic/ & new-aesthetic.tumblr.com/ are Important, or a symptom of something Important. [Original.]

Sunday 10:07 · Ad on kids’ tv used “Pop goes the world” as soundtrack. So I showed my 5yr-old the 1987 video. You should too: www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zUUtf7gOe8&ob=av3e [Original.]

Sunday 17:51 · @Pogue Check out Twicca [Original, responding to @Pogue.]

Sunday 19:29 · List of atheists who’ve bought expensive watches with tithes from believers: “ ” (see www.nytimes.com/glogin?URI=http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/06/world/europe/in-russia-a-watch-vanishes-up-orthodox-leaders-sleeve.html&OQ=_rQ3D3&OP=3474daf4Q2FYQ5CWkYybnvTbbDSYSQ5BwSYQ5BQ23YQ5BOYQ5CbTQ3FyYWcTbXWYC!qTcvvCRqRqQ5CRDn7qQ3CR!Cv7WvqcXqbTD7bybQ7BqQ3FWRyWTvqvQ3FWWQ3CWM7DLQ3F) [Original.]

author · Dad
colophon · rights
picture of the day
April 08, 2012
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