Week ending Sunday 2009/02/15

Monday 11:05 · If I were playing the market I'd be short big-time. In @pkedrosky's short-ratio report people seem to think earnings won't decline further!? [Original.]

Monday 11:42 · Amazon played the media and bloggers like a fiddle for the launch today. The PR orchestration is way more interesting than the product. [Original.]

Monday 13:32 · @mikeloukides Does doing that make you feel dirty? [Original, responding to @mikeloukides.]

Monday 15:12 · Oooh, patent meltdown, FSF vs. IETF: www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/ietf/current/maillist.html [Original.]

Monday 17:05 · Life would be so impossible without wikis. [Original.]

Monday 17:32 · The ethics of shooting people (and related subjects): northernvoice.pbworks.com/PhotoCamp [Original.]

Monday 23:13 · OK, it's sophmoric potty-mouth humor. And your point is? www.theonion.com/content/video/sony_releases_new_stupid_piece_of [Original.]

Tuesday 0:31 · Heh, Amazon is offering 10% referral commission on the Kindle 2. That'll drive some linkbuzz methinks. [Original.]

Tuesday 9:30 · A bunch of new "Scaling Rails" screencasts: railslab.newrelic.com/scaling-rails [Original.]

Tuesday 9:53 · LazyWeb: What's a good book for a C/C++ weenie who wants to learn Java quick? [Original.]

Tuesday 10:07 · The Aussies are hurting bad. Want to help? www.laurenwood.org/anyway/2009/02/10/victorian-bushfires/ [Original.]

Tuesday 11:56 · About to take off for three days in Hong Kong. It's warm there, I hear. [Original.]

Tuesday 11:59 · Is Hong Kong a good place to buy a new Netbook, ASUS or equiv? If so, where? [Original.]

Tuesday 12:38 · A plurality feel tha Eckel's "Thinking In Java" is the place to start. 2nd choice: nutshell [Original.]

Wednesday 4:50 · Snarl, trying to do the bare minimum of work before crashing in Hong Kong, and of course gmail slows to a crawl. Then breaks. [Original.]

Wednesday 14:03 · Looking at jsonml.org/ - A lot of work's gone into this. I hope nobody ever has to use it. [Original.]

Wednesday 15:25 · A big heavy important piece of writing: On Toast - www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2009/02/10/On-Toast [Original.]

Saturday 16:18 · Back from HK, jet-lagged. Is that why Apple's arg that iPhone jailbreak is a criminal copyright violation makes no freaking sense? [Original.]

Saturday 21:45 · 59 Photographers, 16 Countries, 1 Book: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2009/02/14/PDML-Photo-Annual [Original.]

Saturday 23:25 · @duncan Fixed up your Wikipedia entry. [Original, responding to @duncan.]

Sunday 14:36 · Eight Pictures of 香港: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2009/02/15/Hong-Kong [Original.]

Sunday 16:43 · Learning about "ships" and "shippers", another whole Internet sub-sub-sub-subculture. [Original.]

Sunday 22:13 · "We have used all our bullets, and the boogeyman is still coming." Nationalize banks now: www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/02/12/AR2009021201602.html [Original.]

Sunday 23:35 · Would like to update my MacBook but it has 39 days uptime, can't bear to tell poor old OS X it can't keep on keepin' on. [Original.]

author · Dad
colophon · rights
picture of the day
February 15, 2009
· Short-form (350 more)

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