We planted today’s rose in an awkward corner of the garden and thus had to move it; this summer it’s recovering and only produced one blossom. Pretty pictures are a relief, I hope, in a week that feels like summer’s Horse latitudes.

Morning Mist rose blossom

Tomorrow’s RotD will be the last, and it’s a honey.

Horse Latitudes · Yeah, I seem to be busy enough; talking to product and research groups internally, Wide Finder moving right along, making progress on mod_atom albeit slow, but it all seems an effort of will, not something that’s pulling me toward the keyboard at all times. Right now the only thing that’s exciting is a couple of big Fortune top-whatever Sun customers I’m talking to about modern Web stuff; the cognitive dissonance between the vigor of the high-tech Twittersphere and what’s actually in BigCo production is invigorating.

Whatever, time’s on my side; I never stay bored long.

author · Dad
colophon · rights

July 03, 2008
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