What happened was, very shortly before last month’s Startup Camp, they started cooking up this idea of selling Sun gear really cheap to startups. Someone asked “Can we announce it in conjunction with that camp?” and the answer was “Well, uh...”, so we did. So, we all of a sudden had a bunch of people wanting in, and our lawyers told us “You have to exercise due diligence to make sure they really are real startups” and someone had to cook up a process out of nowhere double-quick. It seems to be working; yesterday Adam Kalsey got approved and dumped the numbers. I saw it and thought “Hah, gotta blog that” but Jonathan beat me to it; damn he’s quick. Check those numbers; I’m no expert in our pricing but a couple that jump off the screen at me are the big Ultra 20 and the Thumper (X4500). How can this not be a good idea?


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From: Andrew Phoenix (Nov 29 2006, at 12:05)

It's still unfortunate that there's no program for Canadian startups like this. I mean, I've just started a business and would love to buy one of the workstations... but I'm not eligible.

(can this count as some official feedback from the Canadian market?)


author · Dad
colophon · rights
picture of the day
November 29, 2006
· Business (126 fragments)
· · Sun (63 more)

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