Week ending Sunday 2013/12/01

Monday 09:53 · Weekend work: What can the IETF do to defend the Internet from the pervasive-surveillance attack? [Original.]

Monday 13:40 · @johndrinkwater Bitcoiniacs.com [Original, responding to @johndrinkwater.]

Monday 14:17 · @pkedrosky By coincidence, just got a pitch from bex.io, a yvr btc startup. They’re doing a round btw. [Original, responding to @pkedrosky.]

Monday 14:26 · You read stories like this and you see why the world needs, if not Bitcoin, something like it: theonlinephotographer.typepad.com/the_online_photographer/2013/11/volusion-nightmare.html [Original.]

Monday 15:46 · @webmink One on one, for cash, to someone who wants to buy some. In many locales, there are occasional meetups & so on. [Original, responding to @webmink.]

Monday 15:47 · @steveklabnik Is there an “inside”? [Original, responding to @steveklabnik.]

Monday 20:22 · Mmm, Howe Sound brewing “Carton of Coal”: Pothole Filler Stout, Gathering Storm Ale, and Megadestroyer Imperial: www.bcliquorstores.com/product/851899 [Original.]

Monday 21:04 · An outstanding classical-tunes bargain from the Beeb: Amazon www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CDBV4W2/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B00CDBV4W2&linkCode=as2&tag=ongoing-20 [Original.]

Monday 21:49 · @fabulavancouver OMG say it’s not so. The place is packed every time I stick my head in [Original, responding to @fabulavancouver.]

Wednesday 13:42 · @dhh Current status easy to understand:many people in China buying. But that says nothing useful about the future. [Original, responding to @dhh.]

Wednesday 13:43 · @headius K&R [Original, responding to @headius.]

Wednesday 13:46 · @lisarein looks legit [Original, responding to @lisarein.]

Wednesday 15:44 · Baby dinosaur skeleton! www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/baby-dinosaur-skeleton-found-intact-in-alberta-1.2442768?cmp=rss [Original.]

Wednesday 18:25 · Ah, more Vancouver-real-estate funnies: priceypads.com/vancouver-bc-vs-france/ [Original.]

Wednesday 18:27 · @shanley Complex. More density is unambiguously good in cities, cf Jane Jacobs. But the climbing Gini coefficient, argh... [Original, responding to @shanley.]

Wednesday 18:27 · @acoyne Berlusconi is what Rob Ford aspires to be, n’est-ce pas? [Original, responding to @acoyne.]

Wednesday 20:35 · @acoyne You have to go into System prefs > Accessibility > Mouse & Trackpad > Trackpad options and click “Enable dragging” [Original, responding to @acoyne.]

Wednesday 22:09 · . @andrewphilbell Nope; JSON & I are buds; I’m even trying to help clean it up: tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-json-rfc4627bis [Original, responding to @andrewphilbell.]

Wednesday 22:41 · @asbjornu Document payloads in JSON?! Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww. [Original, responding to @asbjornu.]

Wednesday 22:55 · Anybody selling any interesting prime lenses on Bitcoin Black Friday? [Original.]

Wednesday 22:58 · Fujifilm understands (uniquely, it seems) that cameras are computers that run SOFTWARE: www.fujifilm.com/news/n131128_02.html [Original.]

Thursday 07:55 · Space operas by “James S.A. Corey” and others. Rockets blowing each other up FTW: [Original.]

Thursday 08:32 · To my American friends: Happy Thanksgiving! tsutpen.blogspot.ca/2013/11/celebrations-10-thanksgiving.html [Original.]

Thursday 10:49 · Brubeck’s Take Five, covered by Sachal, a band from Pakistan. Don’t snicker, it totally gave me goose-bumps: www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLF46JKkCNg [Original.]

Thursday 12:07 · Best piece I’ve read yet on Bitcoin: marginalrevolution.com/marginalrevolution/2013/11/china-and-the-soaring-price-of-bitcoin.html [Original.]

Thursday 17:17 · Chinese government official: “The Internet has become clean.” www.reuters.com/article/2013/11/28/us-china-internet-idUSBRE9AR0BQ20131128 [Original.]

Thursday 19:17 · ♫ Well, I am just a modern guy. ♫ [Original.]

Thursday 19:24 · @hawkriver You’re thinking of TimBL not me. And what could be more cerebral than Iggy? [Original, responding to @hawkriver.]

Thursday 22:59 · Bitcoins seem amusingly fixated on the $1000 price point. Oh, the humanity! [Original.]

Friday 10:12 · TIL when you pour a large cup of coffee onto an Apple bluetooth keyboard, it stops working. #notsurprised [Original.]

Friday 11:21 · So, if the price of BTC stays nailed around $1K for a while, maybe it’ll start to be useful as a currency? [Original.]

Friday 11:33 · Postmodern theocracy: [Original.]

Friday 12:14 · @patrickc Way more visible now. But yeah, maybe. [Original, responding to @patrickc.]

Friday 15:33 · @benadida I think that one’s going to be hard to top. [Original, responding to @benadida.]

Friday 15:34 · @benadida I wonder if the current codes are still written on launch checklists. Or taped to the control panel on yellow stickies... [Original, responding to @benadida.]

Sunday 12:13 · @seriouspony That the same Xenophon who wrote Anabasis? Is that in there? I had no idea he wrote about horses. [Original, responding to @seriouspony.]

Sunday 12:14 · @steveklabnik I think anyone who makes definitive pronouncements about BTC’s future at this point is exhibiting intellectual shallowness. [Original, responding to @steveklabnik.]

Sunday 12:25 · @steveklabnik Bitcoins are sui generis, poorly understood. Thoughtful people are analyzing, not rushing to judgment as North does. [Original, responding to @steveklabnik.]

Sunday 12:27 · @steveklabnik Also, predictions based on Austrian principles have been systematically failing in recent years. [Original, responding to @steveklabnik.]

Sunday 12:30 · @seriouspony You might also want to read “Anabasis”. Not the greatest writer, but an astonishing story. [Original, responding to @seriouspony.]

Sunday 12:30 · @seriouspony The “Dialogs of Socrates” is however crushingly boring :( [Original, responding to @seriouspony.]

Sunday 12:33 · @steveklabnik I’m an old guy, remember personal computers/the Web/Amazon being dismissed in a similar tone as obviously bogus. [Original, responding to @steveklabnik.]

Sunday 16:36 · @al3x Most interesting to me is potential for dramatically lower transaction costs. Anonymity is orthogonal. [Original, responding to @al3x.]

Sunday 16:51 · @al3x Agreed, but it’s plausible and worth exploring. I see no other plausible route to slashing tx costs, do you? [Original, responding to @al3x.]

Sunday 18:59 · @danfuzz Not even close: boring.com/ [Original, responding to @danfuzz.]

Sunday 20:14 · @acoyne You missed the key words “litigation hold”. Anyone who’s worked in an outfit that gets sued much has bitter experience. [Original, responding to @acoyne.]

Sunday 20:15 · @acoyne I’m a Tory-loather but this seems plausible. Someone sues you, subpoena comes in, the sysadmin clicks the “lit hold” button.. [Original, responding to @acoyne.]

Sunday 20:16 · @acoyne I’ve had multiple lit holds active on my email. After a while you stop noticing. [Original, responding to @acoyne.]

Sunday 22:07 · @angelebrennan @acoyne I’m fully prepared to believe in PMO sleaze, but my experience is that this sort of screw-up is quite possible. [Original, responding to @angelebrennan.]

author · Dad
colophon · rights
picture of the day
December 01, 2013
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