Week ending Sunday 2012/12/02

Monday 14:12 · Delighted to see Masayoshi Son entering the US telco market. Historically, betting against him has been dumb. [Original.]

Tuesday 12:54 · RT @fielding: I still remember when the Web was an open source project, bug reports were welcome, and would often be fixed before the ne ... [Original.]

Tuesday 23:26 · @al3xandru My default home page is a .html file in my home directory, so I doubt it. [Original, responding to @al3xandru.]

Wednesday 01:12 · @ginatrapani Not dumb at all. [Original, responding to @ginatrapani.]

Wednesday 01:16 · RT @BridgetGaudette: People can be taught how to hate and people can be taught how to spell. Apparently, it's one or the other. [Original.]

Wednesday 19:18 · @jasonfried Can’t see it; always thought, and still do, that the 911 Carrera (not Turbo) is pure beauty, all shape/no decoration. [Original, responding to @jasonfried.]

Thursday 00:48 · @Devoxx Congrats, halfway there! [Original, responding to @Devoxx.]

Thursday 00:54 · Set up 2-factor authentication on your account. Do it today. [Original.]

Thursday 00:54 · @Skud If you have to look it up, you don’t need to care. Axiomatic. [Original, responding to @Skud.]

Thursday 01:21 · @Skud Horrified at the thought that it might be an IKEA marketing campaign [Original, responding to @Skud.]

Thursday 07:56 · @sogrady Yr experience seems fairly unique. Want to write it up in an email for me & I’ll have a look? [Original, responding to @sogrady.]

Thursday 08:05 · Jokes from children, unsuitable for children: badkidsjokes.tumblr.com/ [Original.]

Thursday 10:13 · @Stv John Battelle wrote a lengthy narrative about tracking that stuff down. Don’t remember the punchline, but it should be easy to find. [Original, responding to @Stv.]

Thursday 13:11 · Hokay, gonna https-equip www.tbray.org/ & another domain this weekend. Wish me luck… [Original.]

Thursday 13:16 · @ianiv Haven’t decided. Opinion? [Original, responding to @ianiv.]

Thursday 13:38 · @gruber 24-hour ambient channel [Original, responding to @gruber.]

Thursday 13:51 · @tdtran yeah [Original, responding to @tdtran.]

Thursday 14:41 · @tdtran So basically I’m cutting off WinXP. [Original, responding to @tdtran.]

Friday 16:20 · All over the world, people are trying to solve the #ingress puzzle at commondatastorage.googleapis.com/pac/IB/01/item/01_tip.html soln: short string, numbers & lowercase letters [Original.]

Saturday 22:42 · @romainguy dunno about that italic font of yours. [Original, responding to @romainguy.]

Sunday 10:41 · Snapshot of the #ingress world: [Original.]

Sunday 10:45 · iTunes 11 smart-playlist construction is sort of dumb. Had to fool it to get it to do what I wanted. [Original.]

Sunday 11:07 · Hm, @JoyceCarolOates is really good at Twitter. [Original.]

Sunday 12:02 · https colon www.tbray.org is now live. Welcome to the TLS future. [Original.]

Sunday 12:03 · RT @beng: 3d graph showing approx. distribution of Lego stud colour in Lego sets we've purchased. twitter.com/beng/status/275323785182314496/photo/1 [Original.]

Sunday 12:05 · Hey @brixen and @headius: Booooooooooooooooring [Original.]

Sunday 12:21 · @tdtran I think I’ll leave http working for a while. But I’ll change my feed and make all the internal links https. Will blog about it. [Original, responding to @tdtran.]

Sunday 12:45 · @tenderlove It’s way cool that “unitednuclear dot com” is an actual web site. [Original, responding to @tenderlove.]

Sunday 14:38 · @ed_davies Yep, and it will. Work in progress. [Original, responding to @ed_davies.]

Sunday 18:43 · @kevinmarks Because I switched the feed over to https. Bloggage coming [Original, responding to @kevinmarks.]

Sunday 21:37 · Wow, just got the spammiest spam imaginable via Facebook. Subject: “Viral Net Profits - Making Money Online”. I mean, really. [Original.]

Sunday 23:48 · If only the “controversial” stuff is private, then privacy is itself suspicious. Privacy, by default, everywhere: [Original.]

author · Dad
colophon · rights
picture of the day
December 02, 2012
· Short-form (350 more)

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