Week ending Sunday 2012/11/04

Monday 09:32 · N7 + 3G, $299. Tasty numbers. [Original.]

Monday 10:08 · Best east-coast meteorology-geek on Twitter? [Original.]

Wednesday 07:34 · Hell is 2 bars of Edge network signal. [Original.]

Wednesday 15:18 · So, if you're introducing a new JS API, OK if your samples assume that everyone is running jQuery? Sort of seems like everyone is... [Original.]

Wednesday 17:56 · Trick-or-treat time fast approaching, but the rain just keeps bucketing down harder & harder. #wetangelsanddevils [Original.]

Wednesday 20:49 · I suppose there’s a conflict of interest when I get Amazon commissions because someone bought a Chromebook there. #itscomplicated [Original.]

Friday 07:23 · I didn’t like these, but you might: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/201x/2012/11/01/Three-Books-Not-For-Me [Original.]

Friday 17:23 · 11,111 emails in my spam folder. Kozmick, baby. [Original.]

Friday 20:16 · @danielpunkass That’s appalling. [Original, responding to @danielpunkass.]

Saturday 08:03 · @mattcutts @jbqueru That's OK if the symptom is early awakening, as opposed to wee-hours insomnia [Original, responding to @mattcutts.]

Saturday 08:13 · Wow, looks like Washington state is gonna pass I-502 (legalize & tax cannabis). Wonder what that'll do to the BC economy? [Original.]

Saturday 10:51 · Very beautiful political photo-essay from on the ground in Ohio: www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/photobooth/2012/11/video-the-undecided.html [Original.]

Saturday 11:37 · That time of year: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/201x/2012/11/03/That-time-of-year [Original.]

Saturday 15:53 · Damn, we've been wrong about π all these years: i254.photobucket.com/albums/hh116/balthamossa2b/1290457745312.jpg [Original.]

Saturday 16:09 · Just discovered ngrep. Wow! [Original.]

Saturday 23:00 · Just edited the Wikipedia entry for God. Top that if you can. kthksby [Original.]

Sunday 01:44 · @colbycosh Congrats on your imminent stardom chez National Review. Wonder if the love will survive Election day. Good piece. [Original, responding to @colbycosh.]

Sunday 10:28 · Nouveau spam: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/201x/2012/11/01/Interesting-Spam [Original.]

Sunday 10:50 · @mnot Do share please. [Original, responding to @mnot.]

Sunday 21:01 · Really challenging conversation with Chomsky on AI & neuroscience & related issues: www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2012/08/noam-chomsky-on-where-artificial-intelligence-went-wrong/261637/?single_page=true [Original.]

author · Dad
colophon · rights
picture of the day
November 04, 2012
· Short-form (350 more)

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