Week ending Sunday 2012/10/28

Monday 10:33 · @becomingajock Lifesaver 2 [Original, responding to @becomingajock.]

Monday 15:26 · The Honeynet map. Cool! map.honeynet.org/ [Original.]

Monday 21:45 · Baseball is good entertainment. [Original.]

Monday 21:46 · RT @dsandler: “We have Israel's back, not just diplomatically, not just culturally, but militarily…and sexually.” [Original.]

Monday 21:50 · @vambenepe Studying baseball’s deep lore brings great spiritual rewards. Also, it’s played on DIRT. [Original, responding to @vambenepe.]

Tuesday 07:10 · @ftrain and an antepenultimate [Original, responding to @ftrain.]

Tuesday 15:16 · @McNutt @dwarfland If I were starting now I'd probably go with one of the little Fuji X's or Sony RX. Case for SLR weakening. [Original, responding to @McNutt.]

Tuesday 15:17 · @reiver Glad to meet you [Original, responding to @reiver.]

Tuesday 23:01 · Severe, extreme cruelty: dashes.com/anil/2012/10/apple-special-event-liveblog.html [Original.]

Wednesday 17:23 · Found a real authentic spot to watch some of the Series. via.me/-6bkcna6 [Original.]

Thursday 09:48 · Here’s the weird thing about this identity gig: There’s no enemy. www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/201x/2012/10/25/On-Lacking-Enemies [Original.]

Thursday 10:12 · Hey @nelson, Msft is being perfectly reasonable around identity stuff, these days. [Original.]

Thursday 12:02 · The iPad Mini’s price creates a fascinating test of a 3-part equation balancing price, form factor, and the power of the iOS ecosystem. [Original.]

Thursday 12:19 · @simonski Spam detection (a little too sensitive) masquerades as bug/failure. Memory only 15 minutes, go back & give it another try. [Original, responding to @simonski.]

Thursday 13:59 · @dierken Anonymity is a choice not to express identity. Pseudonymity is a per-IDP choice. Privacy is orthogonal to all that, right? [Original, responding to @dierken.]

Thursday 17:43 · SFO hates the Internet. [Original.]

Thursday 18:22 · @dierken Anonymity as “the norm”? Hm, that feels weird to me. Agreed that it should always be available. [Original, responding to @dierken.]

Thursday 23:11 · A New “King of Bokeh”? Well, the question had to be asked. There are some damn beautiful pictures here. theonlinephotographer.typepad.com/the_online_photographer/2012/10/a-new-king-of-bokeh.html [Original.]

Friday 10:42 · @kevinmarks You should still host your own content-that-matters. For lots of people, Twitter & friends replace RSS for discovery. [Original, responding to @kevinmarks.]

Friday 11:02 · Clever OOB UX, check it out: t.co/iFok2eLw! [Original.]

Saturday 09:56 · Dori Smith has a track record of being right, and is *very* dubious about Win8: www.backupbrain.com/2012/10/the-windows-8-report-from-the-front/ (Disclosure: Haven’t touched Win8) [Original.]

Saturday 10:00 · It’s deeply weird that a country as big & complex as the US should be divided politically so evenly. Can't possibly be just an accident. [Original.]

Saturday 14:50 · Trans-Canada washed out at Wawa, will be closed for days. Anyone who's driven cross Canada knows Wawa: www.cbc.ca/news/canada/story/2012/10/27/wawa-rain-evacuation-highway-damage.html?cmp=rss [Original.]

Saturday 15:38 · Think my piece on Cloud Atlas (book) was unfair; now remember the ambition not the stumbles. Seeing movie tomorrow. www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/201x/2012/09/15/Cloud-Atlas [Original.]

Saturday 15:40 · Wild lack of coherence in reviews makes Cloud Atlas a must-see methinks. [Original.]

Saturday 16:18 · @dunchoke Would’ve been in the headlines if it’d been trashed, right? [Original, responding to @dunchoke.]

Saturday 17:02 · @ggreenwald Canadian politics aren't perfect, but we have 5-week elections. Pretty sure that's right way to do it. [Original, responding to @ggreenwald.]

Saturday 18:12 · Charges need to be laid against Metrotown goons. www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/story/2012/10/25/bc-teen-photographer-arrest.html Also, more abusive stupidity from the RCMP, yawn. [Original.]

Saturday 20:07 · As usual, there’s a Google Crisis Map: google.org/crisismap/sandy-2012 [Original.]

Saturday 22:12 · @codinghorror Um, a *Windows* laptop killer. [Original, responding to @codinghorror.]

Saturday 22:34 · @codinghorror @NathanBowers Um don’t think so… maybe thinking of this? www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/201x/2011/03/03/Mobile-Input [Original, responding to @codinghorror.]

Saturday 22:40 · @bayprogrammer Probably not, but thanks. [Original, responding to @bayprogrammer.]

Saturday 22:45 · Anyone tweeting from Haida Gwaii? [Original.]

Sunday 00:56 · @codinghorror Java [Original, responding to @codinghorror.]

Sunday 13:01 · Showed my 13yr-old how to use doubleTwist. He’s loading his old N1 with White Stripes & Shonen Knife. #modernparenting #kidhasgoodtaste [Original.]

Sunday 13:30 · Calling Obama a foreign-born atheist commie, well whatever. But dissing Nate Silver… that’s serious. [Original.]

Sunday 14:20 · People at MIT have way too much time on their hands. But they got Noam Chomsky to appear in their Gangnam Style video. www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=lJtHNEDnrnY [Original.]

Sunday 16:10 · Is it possible to be pro-free-markets and still think this is deeply wrong? www.nytimes.com/2012/10/28/business/a-part-time-life-as-hours-shrink-and-shift-for-american-workers.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0 [Original.]

Sunday 22:27 · There’s a hidden tab on my computer that is playing a cheezy Woolite ad every couple of minutes. I promise never to buy the stupid product. [Original.]

author · Dad
colophon · rights
picture of the day
October 28, 2012
· Short-form (350 more)

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