Week ending Sunday 2012/07/08

Tuesday 19:39 · Jerusalem cartooned: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/201x/2012/07/03/Jerusalem-in-cartoons [Original.]

Wednesday 16:49 · Epically cool site discovered because my Mom has the placemats: periodictable.com/ Also see theodoregray.com/PeriodicTable/ [Original.]

Wednesday 16:56 · must … not … emit … sarcasm over the imminent “We always thought 7" was a good idea” from certain quarters. #dontMindSayingIToldYouSo [Original.]

Wednesday 20:40 · What Dan Lyons said: www.realdanlyons.com/blog/2012/07/04/dont-know-if-apple-will-make-a-7-inch-tablet-but-they-should/ - gimme a good 7-incher with a mobile radio and bye-bye handset. [Original.]

Wednesday 21:05 · @sogrady Remember: I always wear a vest or a blazer. Space for a 7", no problemo. [Original, responding to @sogrady.]

Wednesday 21:10 · @sogrady I’m not sure. Lifestyle adjustment to carry a 7" is small, benefit is huge. [Original, responding to @sogrady.]

Wednesday 21:42 · @sogrady Cargo-style shorts with lots of pockets ftw. Not saying it's for everyone, but OTOH I'm not that eccentric. [Original, responding to @sogrady.]

Thursday 08:31 · I’m in Saskatchewan this week, where it’s Medicare’s 50th anniversary. For students of health-care policy: www.leaderpost.com/health/Regina+first+babies+born+after+medicare+debut+Sask/6885437/story.html [Original.]

Saturday 19:12 · Voices of Northern Women: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/201x/2012/07/06/Northern-Womens-Voices [Original.]

Sunday 14:53 · Firefox jammed up, flatly refuses to open personal Gmail, mumbling about cookies and settings. Cache clear no help. OK, back to Safari. [Original.]

Sunday 15:56 · Hey, I use Chrome all the time. I like to have my personal Gmail in a completely different browser, that’s all. [Original.]

Sunday 16:36 · The Prairies are emptying out, farm and town. But I love to visit: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/201x/2012/07/07/Hafford [Original.]

Sunday 17:35 · As much Nexus 7 review as anyone could possibly want: arstechnica.com/gadgets/2012/07/divine-intervention-googles-nexus-7-is-a-fantastic-200-tablet/ [Original.]

Sunday 19:55 · Back porch, sunshine, salmon, strawberries, Spanish rosé, family. That is all. [Original.]

Sunday 22:15 · RT @rands: I will now freak you out for 1 minute 21 seconds: [I couldn’t breathe, watching it.] [Original.]

Sunday 22:23 · @charlesarthur Stand on left foot only, tilt head left, hop. [Original, responding to @charlesarthur.]

author · Dad
colophon · rights
picture of the day
July 08, 2012
· Short-form (350 more)

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