Week ending Sunday 2012/06/10

Monday 09:38 · Unusually-clever phishing email claiming to be from Paypal saying I’d changed my account, full of real Paypal links. Bet they snare lots. [Original.]

Monday 11:06 · 23 years ago today, the government of China sent the PLA into Tiananmen square to kill people asking for democracy. I haven’t forgotten. [Original.]

Tuesday 00:40 · @mhuiwang Oh, so you're in favor of slaughtering your citizens. [Original, responding to @mhuiwang.]

Tuesday 07:18 · How fast is that SSD actually? www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/201x/2012/06/04/Maxed-Book [Original.]

Tuesday 08:56 · @dgreen Laptop with a single outboard large screen does the trick for me. [Original, responding to @dgreen.]

Tuesday 09:04 · To those calling the SSD slow: No. Combo of SSD/bus/filesystem is what’s being measured. Theoretical disk output never observed in practice. [Original.]

Tuesday 09:06 · How Canada’s government became actively anti-environmentalist: www.vancouversun.com/business/Conservatives+brief+love+affair+with+environmentalism+came/6728822/story.html Good stuff from the local paper! [Original.]

Tuesday 12:29 · Security warnings for suspected state-sponsored attacks: googleonlinesecurity.blogspot.com/2012/06/security-warnings-for-suspected-state.html [Original.]

Wednesday 09:35 · Bradbury was one of my faves. But I’ve never read F451, which all the death notices seem to lead with. I suppose I should. [Original.]

Wednesday 11:50 · Pocket’s Tips for Aspiring Android Developers: getpocket.com/blog/2012/06/pockets-tips-for-aspiring-android-developers-its-not-really-terrifying-and-in-fact-quite-enjoyable/ [Original.]

Wednesday 12:36 · Those of us who use 1password or one of its competitors see the LinkedIn story and say “yeah, whatever.” [Original.]

Wednesday 15:56 · The amount of work that goes into Google IO is just not to be believed. [Original.]

Thursday 00:31 · 0:52 of extremely pure rock: www.youtube.com/watch?v=ye23jB9I8mk [Original.]

Thursday 00:35 · @doriantaylor You’re not in the majority. [Original, responding to @doriantaylor.]

Thursday 11:03 · @pkedrosky The anti-helmeters say (1) poor evidence they work (2) they discourage biking. (1) is believable, not (2). [Original, responding to @pkedrosky.]

Thursday 19:16 · Apple and HTC, reposted without comment: www.readwriteweb.com/mobile/2012/06/apple-is-trying-its-best-to-kill-htc-and-doing-a-pretty-good-job.php?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+readwriteweb+(ReadWriteWeb) [Original.]

Thursday 19:55 · Wikimedia Commons image upload b0rked. The continuum’s thickening has slowed. [Original.]

Thursday 21:15 · Public-Speaking Antipatterns: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/201x/2012/06/07/Speaking-Antipatterns [Original.]

Thursday 21:32 · @swartable Good heavens, where/when was that? [Original, responding to @swartable.]

Thursday 22:05 · @swartable /me sighs in relief. [Original, responding to @swartable.]

Thursday 23:22 · @kaler What did I say? That would have to be 2009-ish; I was not exactly a friend of Java then. [Original, responding to @kaler.]

Thursday 23:49 · @pkedrosky My jaw literally dropped (disclosure: I live near there). Near the Canada Line but otherwise totally boring location. [Original, responding to @pkedrosky.]

Friday 16:39 · Game of Thrones tops the list! torrentfreak.com/game-of-thrones-most-pirated-tv-show-of-the-season-120608/ [Original.]

Friday 16:52 · @donpark Only works in my experience in severely constrained scenarios with few degrees of freedom. [Original, responding to @donpark.]

Sunday 08:45 · Coherent argument that falling inflation in China could provoke a revolution: brontecapital.blogspot.ca/2012/06/macroeconomics-of-chinese-kleptocracy.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+BronteCapital+(Bronte+Capital) [Original.]

Sunday 19:25 · Bridge replacement: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/201x/2012/06/10/Port-Mann [Original.]

Sunday 19:32 · @charlesarthur True; but the sequel “Aliens” was better. [Original, responding to @charlesarthur.]

Sunday 20:49 · Ahhh…. Still Alive! [Original.]

author · Dad
colophon · rights
picture of the day
June 10, 2012
· Short-form (350 more)

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