Week ending Sunday 2012/04/22

Monday 21:11 · At an internal event today, spent a little time with Peter Norvig and Andy Hertzfeld. Sometimes it’s a privilege working here. [Original.]

Monday 21:18 · 廃虚, the saddest thing. [Original.]

Monday 22:40 · Want cute pictures of kids and bagpipers? I got ’em! www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/201x/2012/04/16/Opening-Day [Original.]

Tuesday 18:34 · @macleodmike The sweeper is running at 40 minutes past the hour. If you start a couple minutes later, you’ll have 2 hours. [Original, responding to @macleodmike.]

Tuesday 19:28 · @macleodmike So you can upload successfully but not download? How long does the upload take and what are the calls/messages counts? [Original, responding to @macleodmike.]

Tuesday 19:29 · @macleodmike And you can see them at android-lifesaver.appspot when you’ve uploaded? [Original, responding to @macleodmike.]

Tuesday 19:33 · @macleodmike Yeah, it’s weird. Upload is more stressful on the back-end than download. [Original, responding to @macleodmike.]

Tuesday 19:34 · @macleodmike What device/OS you downloading to? (not that it should make a diff) [Original, responding to @macleodmike.]

Tuesday 19:51 · @macleodmike It picks the *first* google account found on each device. But if there’s a mismatch, it should report an authentic error. [Original, responding to @macleodmike.]

Wednesday 22:33 · United Airlines is in for big trouble if they can’t get their post-merger customer-facing computer systems bloody working PDQ. [Original.]

Wednesday 23:15 · Hating iMovie: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/201x/2012/04/18/Hating-iMovie [Original.]

Wednesday 23:17 · @headius That’s a relief [Original, responding to @headius.]

Wednesday 23:54 · Ils sont fous ces Danois: www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUZ-e2SkeMI Seriously, watch it. [Original.]

Thursday 00:45 · @JeniT Probably a compliment. [Original, responding to @JeniT.]

Thursday 10:35 · Downgraded from XCode 4.2 to 4.1 to make rvm happy. There’s an hour of my life I’ll never see again. [Original.]

Thursday 10:55 · @pazustep Cool, didn’t know about that. [Original, responding to @pazustep.]

Thursday 11:44 · @nelson Relationship with a stylist you trust. [Original, responding to @nelson.]

Thursday 16:48 · @dsearls It’s a philosophical thing, they want you to Be Here Now. [Original, responding to @dsearls.]

Thursday 19:44 · @pamelafox I believe that arrangement requires penitence and the achievement of a state of Grace. [Original, responding to @pamelafox.]

Thursday 19:46 · @mathewi Off-by-one error, what with tomorrow being 4/20? [Original, responding to @mathewi.]

Thursday 21:17 · Dear LazyWeb: How do I make aspell treat ’ i.e. U+2019 as an apostrophe? [Original.]

Thursday 21:33 · Aaaand, the answer is: (setq ispell-extra-args '("--encoding=utf-8")) [Original.]

Thursday 22:43 · @nelson I always preferred the 2nd in the series but it’s unfortunate that it’s sort of eclipsed the first in the popular consciousness. [Original, responding to @nelson.]

Friday 11:39 · Internet slows to a crawl as everyone downloads Diablo III beta... [Original.]

Friday 15:58 · Sensor kinetics pictures: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/201x/2012/04/20/Android-Sensor-Kinetics-Pictures [Original.]

Saturday 13:08 · Played through the #Diablo3 beta last night; fairly underwhelmed. Impressions over on G+: [Original.]

Saturday 17:31 · A self-indulgent 2500-word rant on modern literature in which are embedded some book reviews: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/201x/2012/04/19/Old-vs-new-Novels [Original.]

author · Dad
colophon · rights
picture of the day
April 22, 2012
· Short-form (350 more)

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