Week ending Sunday 2011/09/18

Monday 23:46 · This is a work of great beauty: www.thejohnnycashproject.com/ [Original.]

Tuesday 08:44 · The Economist bloggers seem to have enjoyed the Repub debate more than anyone else: goo.gl/4qxFo [Original.]

Tuesday 22:15 · Portraits from MOA: goo.gl/AI9py Included: Jesus and a Bodhisattva. [Original.]

Tuesday 22:25 · Homo sapiens. Yeah, I'm one of those and occasionally proud to be a member: goo.gl/pu2pi [Original.]

Tuesday 23:37 · @jsnell The invasion isn't till next Thursday you fool. [Original, responding to @jsnell.]

Tuesday 23:40 · @chadfowler And after 24 hours wakefulness the likelihood of splitting infinitives increases markedly. [Original, responding to @chadfowler.]

Wednesday 23:43 · Vancouver cop blogging street-level work in the Downtown Eastside: goo.gl/QkYZk Also, he or she takes good pictures. [Original.]

Thursday 12:42 · Brilliantly smart-ass responses to completely well-meaning signs. goo.gl/p6FWh [Original.]

Thursday 14:58 · Those leftists at The Economist again, this time on the costs of contracting-out: goo.gl/JAj1X [Original.]

Thursday 15:13 · Wow, Sammy Galaxy S II basking in good reviews: e.g. goo.gl/UW4En and goo.gl/ejmkI Haven't touched one myself. [Original.]

Thursday 16:01 · Yahoo asked me to OK transferring delicious bookmarks. Hadn't used it since 2008, got all nostalgic: goo.gl/2YthL [Original.]

Thursday 20:27 · There are 2 kinds of programming languages: Those that have “include Enumerable”, and the unfortunate others. [Original.]

Thursday 20:33 · @aphoenix goo.gl/p6FWh [Original, responding to @aphoenix.]

Friday 00:20 · As usual, looking for a new Twitter client (Android) [Original.]

Friday 00:45 · Decent vinyl, via good electronics, has immediacy that's just not there on digital. Dunno why. [Original.]

Friday 19:27 · Yow. Live reportage from Reno race disaster from Gosling: goo.gl/YhkyC [Original.]

Friday 20:31 · Dropped Safari. It just can't handle my dozens of tabs, some very busy. [Original.]

Friday 20:32 · A pity: Safari was my favorite browser, aesthetically [Original.]

Friday 22:59 · Settling in to watch South Africa vs Fiji at Rugby World Cup. Expecting to be entertained. [Original.]

Saturday 12:08 · Failing to understand why Netanyahu & his supporters are so spooked about UN armwaving over Palestine: goo.gl/Ex8U2 [Original.]

Saturday 15:36 · Dick Cheney giving a speech in Vancouver Sep 26th. I expect lively expressions of disapproval. [Original.]

Saturday 15:57 · Trending: Pug dog as hipster accessory. Works visually but seems somehow wrong. [Original.]

Saturday 18:53 · @Atrios Or Fortune 500 companies whose entries are total hand-jobs, like for example IBM [Original, responding to @Atrios.]

Saturday 18:54 · Kids bouncing around the living room singing along to REM's "It's the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine)" [Original.]

Saturday 19:11 · Autumn Leaves: goo.gl/z4LBn [Original.]

Sunday 10:08 · “what a modern Web browser has to suck it up and deal with”: goo.gl/TTVzf [Original.]

Sunday 10:13 · @bobraeMP condolences on that meeting. [Original, responding to @bobraeMP.]

Sunday 10:55 · I'm not particularly a car guy, but this is amazingly cool: goo.gl/eZwgv [Original.]

Sunday 15:04 · . @mperham & @mentalguy Couldn't disagree more. At software conferences, I want to see code, code, and more code. [Original, responding to @mperham.]

Sunday 19:35 · Hey, I can make my blog even slower! goo.gl/e2CUw The words “Web kerning” make me shudder in anticipatory pleasure. [Original.]

Sunday 20:59 · @ChrisCrandell That is totally nauseating. You should be ashamed of yourself. [Original, responding to @ChrisCrandell.]

Sunday 21:01 · @ChrisCrandell It's not OK to repurpose people sacrificing their lives for freedom to support a marketing campaign. [Original, responding to @ChrisCrandell.]

Sunday 21:06 · It’s not OK to repurpose “Arab Spring” for a b2b marketing campaign. Shame on you, @benioff [Original.]

Sunday 21:13 · “What artists do if given wire and household objects” goo.gl/XgIIH (Complex tumblr-chain, not sure of origin) [Original.]

author · Dad
colophon · rights
picture of the day
September 18, 2011
· Short-form (350 more)

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