Week ending Sunday 2010/12/26

Monday 10:43 · Hmm: www.youtube.com/watch?v=quI2I8wLPdc [Original.]

Monday 12:03 · Bugdroid sneaks into an Apple ad (snicker): www.pointgphone.com/mascotte-android-publicite-ipad-18817 [Original.]

Monday 13:28 · @cyngus Anything that goes to 11 has to be better, right? [Original, responding to @cyngus.]

Monday 16:53 · Thank goodness we have MG Siegler to explain how hopeless and doomed our plans are. [Original.]

Monday 18:00 · @timburks But the Alphas were pretty good computers. DEC's probs were at the top. [Original, responding to @timburks.]

Tuesday 23:02 · Couple little ProTips: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/201x/2010/12/21/Twitter-ProTip and www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/201x/2010/12/21/Keynote-ProTip [Original.]

Wednesday 06:51 · @jackowayed yup thanks [Original, responding to @jackowayed.]

Wednesday 21:33 · @droid_life email: twbray at google [Original, responding to @droid_life.]

Wednesday 21:44 · @cynikaloptimist Gimme a break, anyone who can't find both my emails in <5min isn't trying. [Original, responding to @cynikaloptimist.]

Sunday 10:00 · Nice little deep-dive on the underappreciated subject of battery charging: phandroid.com/2010/12/25/your-smartphones-battery-gauge-is-lying-to-you-and-its-not-such-a-bad-thing/ [Original.]

author · Dad
colophon · rights
picture of the day
December 26, 2010
· Short-form (350 more)

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