Week ending Sunday 2008/12/07

Monday 0:39 · 12/01: Beginning Of The End [Original.]

Monday 0:42 · @duncan I can hear the heavy breathing from here. Down, boy. [Original, responding to @duncan.]

Monday 0:54 · Cameras Small and Large: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2008/11/30/Photo-Notes [Original.]

Monday 11:41 · This "Indexed" speaks to me: thisisindexed.com/2008/12/people-listen-to-the-loudest-noise/ [Original.]

Monday 13:27 · @jerry You'll want to get in some pre-party practice. If you actually use it at f1.4, the DOF leaves *zero* room for error. [Original, responding to @jerry.]

Monday 14:02 · Strange days indeed/Most peculiar, mama. [Original.]

Monday 15:47 · Quick primer on current Canadian political weirdness for non-Canadians: www.megginson.com/blogs/quoderat/2008/12/01/whats-happening-in-canada/ [Original.]

Monday 16:28 · OMG I think they're really gonna do it: www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2008/12/01/coalition-talks.html?ref=rss [Original.]

Monday 16:32 · I keep seeing headlines of the form "New XXX engine/framework/library for JavaScript". For many interesting values of XXX. [Original.]

Monday 16:38 · Kenai.com just had some new hires start. Which, at Sun these days, is a news story. Kenai is one of our better efforts. [Original.]

Monday 16:48 · @bmann Sun needs to use such a thing, and also needs to understand developers. Building one is a good way to learn. Plus, it's useful. [Original, responding to @bmann.]

Monday 21:16 · @bmann There are gonna be a few of these. They'll have different strengths/weaknesses. Let's see what Kenai's turn out to be. [Original, responding to @bmann.]

Monday 21:22 · Our home network is out. Thanks to the neighbor operaring a naked linksys. [Original.]

Tuesday 7:25 · No way can Harper prorogue. It'd be a PR disaster. [Original.]

Wednesday 7:48 · Synthetic-CDO horror story; is this true? www.businessspectator.com.au/bs.nsf/Article/A-tsunami-of-hope-or-terror-LHRJP?OpenDocument [Original.]

Wednesday 14:17 · @jperras This kind of treachery is a builtin feature of the parliamentary system. Used to be a regular occurrence in the UK in the old days. [Original, responding to @jperras.]

Friday 5:34 · Creating or Consuming? www.laurenwood.org/anyway/2008/12/04/creating-or-consuming/ [Original.]

Friday 15:57 · Damn, is Toronto's Terminal 1 ever a vast steaming pile of FAIL. [Original.]

Friday 15:58 · Has been talking to customers for the last three days. Wrinkles in my brain stretched out flat from the input. [Original.]

Friday 23:14 · Fuzzy Clichés and Money: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2008/12/05/Fuzzy-New-York [Original.]

Friday 23:21 · Saw Vicky Cristina Barcelona on the plane home. Ultra-entertaining. [Original.]

Saturday 20:13 · @SrVerde All three? Chrysler seems like dead meat to me. Time for some triage, perhaps. Thought experiment: If only one can make it, which? [Original, responding to @SrVerde.]

Sunday 16:58 · OMG they're going to make a Repo Man sequel. That movie is one of my major influences. www.guardian.co.uk/film/2008/jul/04/news.culture [Original.]

Sunday 17:03 · One has to admit that the Steelers/Cowboys game was actually pretty lame football, mostly. [Original.]

Sunday 17:05 · @br3nda Actually a replacement for "find . -name <mumble> -print | xargs egrep <mumble>" [Original, responding to @br3nda.]

Sunday 21:38 · Since we're doing Repo Man quotes: "Ordinary people... they're assholes. I hate 'em." [Original.]

author · Dad
colophon · rights
picture of the day
December 07, 2008
· Short-form (350 more)

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