Week ending Sunday 2008/08/31

Monday 14:06 · 72 hours off the Net. Quite refreshing, actually. [Original.]

Monday 18:46 · Still fulminating about IETF ASCII-only parochialism after all these years. [Original.]

Monday 19:55 · Superelegant Japanese photoblog: dacafe.petit.cc/ [Original.]

Tuesday 12:39 · Howling wind and distant thunder over the prairies. [Original.]

Tuesday 15:06 · The world is safe from sunscreen-wielding terrorists trying to get through Regina Airport. Just saying. [Original.]

Wednesday 8:52 · Hmm, interesting new online culturemag: www.culture11.com/ [Original.]

Wednesday 17:11 · Gonna sit down and seriously watch some DNC. [Original.]

Wednesday 17:14 · @eliast Hey, what's next? [Original, responding to @eliast.]

Wednesday 20:46 · I'm grateful to MSNBC for high-quality video that Just Works. But can't support the sponsor; got no use for a curvy Venus razor. [Original.]

Wednesday 20:51 · @codinghorror case-folding basically doesn't work outside the domain of ASCII, but the C# & Java code that tries anyhow is insanely slow. [Original, responding to @codinghorror.]

Wednesday 20:54 · @codinghorror www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2003/10/11/SearchI18n - see section labeled "On Case and Diacritics". [Original, responding to @codinghorror.]

Thursday 7:45 · What time is the big speech tonight? [Original.]

Thursday 13:19 · There was a time when IM'ing back & forth with one's spouse in the next room to negotiate travel scheduls would have been considered odd. [Original.]

Thursday 14:57 · Twitter killed my tab sweeps for months, but I managed to squeeze one out: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2008/08/28/Tab-Sweep [Original.]

Thursday 23:12 · Gasp! Someone says something new about the campaign: www.oblomovka.com/wp/2008/08/28/the-business-of-barack/ [Original.]

Friday 9:48 · OMG she has five children. [Original.]

Friday 14:24 · CBC says Harper will call an election next week. Prediction: grouchy electorate. [Original.]

Friday 15:58 · Nifty, EC2 + Solaris + Rails, all packaged up with a pretty bow: developer.amazonwebservices.com/connect/entry.jspa?externalID=1438 [Original.]

Friday 16:31 · Diving into my first from-scratch RSpec [Original.]

Friday 23:22 · OK, after 11 on Friday, time to commit one's changes and crash already [Original.]

Saturday 10:09 · Especially given that JPost is basically a tool for Likudnik racists. Mind you, that's what many Americans think "pro-Israel" means. [Original.]

Saturday 10:13 · Obama would have got deeper questions from Ha'aretz. But JPost has better US exposure. [Original.]

Saturday 22:03 · Western wear: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2008/08/30/Cowtown-Western-Wear [Original.]

Sunday 9:50 · If you watch the storm trackers, you might get the impression that Gustav could both moderate and veer left of NOLA. That'd be good. [Original.]

author · Dad
colophon · rights
picture of the day
August 31, 2008
· Short-form (350 more)

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