Week ending Sunday 2008/05/11

Tuesday 8:46 · I don't care how many times you've been or how jaded you are, the opening of JavaOne is REALLY FUCKING INTENSE [Original.]

Tuesday 8:47 · Traditional Gosling T-shirt hurl, primitive analog technology [Original.]

Tuesday 8:53 · Amazing the WiFi in here is holding up at all [Original.]

Tuesday 9:11 · These dorky movies are my least favorite part of J1 [Original.]

Tuesday 9:24 · @crazybob - that's what they say [Original, responding to @crazybob.]

Tuesday 9:27 · Yeah, baffled why the Kindle doesn't have a white background instead of the dull grey. [Original.]

Tuesday 9:28 · See, if you use Java you'll be beautiful and young and fresh like the people in these videos. [Original.]

Tuesday 10:07 · Ultra-big-screen HDTV is overwhelming in its quality. [Original.]

Tuesday 10:10 · MichaelSinger - We'll let you know when we work it out. Had a real interesting talk last night with a MySQL guy. About Rails as it turns out [Original.]

Tuesday 10:11 · Hey, there's Neil. Exact same jeans as everyone else. [Original.]

Tuesday 10:11 · Heh, Neil's here to plug his new record [Original.]

Tuesday 10:16 · Audiophiles know Neil has long dissed digital sound, says Blu-Ray 24/192 sampling makes it good enough. [Original.]

Tuesday 10:17 · They're actually trying to do something interesting with the Java wired into Blu-Ray [Original.]

Tuesday 10:19 · OK now *that* is cool. [Original.]

Tuesday 10:19 · NY says buy a PS3 if you want Blu-Ray. [Original.]

Tuesday 10:22 · It's like this: they are releasing a retrospective & will update it via the net via Blu-Ray infrastructure [Original.]

Tuesday 11:05 · @olabini, shame on you. Real conference geeks never admit to a hangover even if brain fluid is leaking out their ears. [Original, responding to @olabini.]

Tuesday 11:09 · Neo4J looks interesting for social-network apps: neo4j.org/ [Original.]

Wednesday 7:47 · Feeling the B&W temptation: theonlinephotographer.typepad.com/the_online_photographer/2008/05/color-junkies.html [Original.]

Wednesday 8:39 · J1 Day 1 pix, including Neil: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2008/05/07/J1D1 [Original.]

Wednesday 8:39 · @IanSkerrett: I'm glad someone's going, do tell the rest of us if anything interesting happens. [Original, responding to @IanSkerrett.]

Wednesday 17:43 · So... the good Wed-night J1 parties are... ? [Original.]

Wednesday 17:51 · Company Websites 101: www.laurenwood.org/anyway/2008/05/07/company-websites-101/ [Original.]

Wednesday 23:45 · My get up & go has got up & buggered off. [Original.]

Thursday 7:45 · @stevebaker Don't sweat it with the # [Original, responding to @stevebaker.]

Thursday 8:05 · News flash: The travel experience isn't getting better: news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/from_our_own_correspondent/7389575.stm [Original.]

Thursday 10:43 · RESTful JavaOne: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2008/05/07/REST-at-J1 [Original.]

Thursday 11:20 · LazyWeb: When I POST to a Twitter account via HTTP, having a naked "&" in the text breaks things. Does it want '&' or what? [Original.]

Thursday 11:23 · Perhaps it wants %26 [Original.]

Thursday 11:28 · Pardon the static while I debug posting ampersands via API: & [Original.]

Thursday 11:33 · For Twitter-APi-heads: the answer is.... if you want '&' in the message, use %26. Which means, I suppose, % itself should be escaped. [Original.]

Thursday 11:36 · #bwstory Twitter may not reach everyone, but you probably want to reach the people it does. [Original.]

Thursday 13:33 · OH: "You can't do JOIN at Web scale, so why waste your time with all that relational crap?" [Original.]

Thursday 16:10 · Heading home, and expecting many fewer biz trips in foreseeable future. Happy. Suspect there are a few like me. [Original.]

Thursday 16:21 · SFO is another place where your boingo.com account works. It saves me megabucks. [Original.]

Friday 8:49 · OMG Moscone Center norovirus alert. Watch the Java ecosystem grind to a 72-hour halt. [Original.]

Friday 15:17 · Warm weather has set in, the yard is a riot of tulips all shouting "look at ME!" [Original.]

Friday 16:25 · @gruber - I can understand why you write "Blackberrys" as opposed to "..ies" but it still hurts my eyes. [Original, responding to @gruber.]

Friday 16:28 · "Can't advertise nothing on Facebook": blogs.sun.com/timcaynes/entry/can_t_advertise_nothing_on [Original.]

Friday 16:37 · Well, Joe and Eliza Proudfoot are the Proudfeet, obviously [Original.]

Friday 16:41 · Wet, with forget-me-nots: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2008/05/09/Wet-with-Forget-Me-Nots [Original.]

Saturday 9:06 · The Golden Spike: blogs.sun.com/jrose/entry/the_golden_spike [Original.]

Sunday 17:55 · The evidence suggests that you can't re-use a Net::HTTP::Post (at east on Ruby 1.9). Grmph. [Original.]

Sunday 19:33 · Some damn nice shots on @PDML [Original.]

Sunday 19:40 · @gnat - thanks for the words on Scratch. I have an 8-year-old. [Original, responding to @gnat.]

Sunday 21:36 · Ah, May. I have no choice but to inflict another series of flower pictures upon my blog readers; most would prefer uninterrupted technology. [Original.]

Sunday 22:32 · Have mostly come down from Java1. People who diss Java should go once; won't make 'em like it but they'll know why you just can't ignore it. [Original.]

Sunday 22:37 · This would be my manager, hmmm: twitter.com/jimParkinson [Original.]

Sunday 23:01 · @shanselman - I really, seriously, advise that you just stop worrying about how many people read you. It takes time and it doesn't help. [Original, responding to @shanselman.]

author · Dad
colophon · rights
picture of the day
May 11, 2008
· Short-form (350 more)

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