A couple of months ago, Rubyist world headquarters over in Japan was looking around for something to run their new Subversion server on. We dug a box out of a closet and sent it along, and now it looks like it’s up. Jeepers, that’s a fully loaded X4100, it ought to be able to handle the next couple of thousand Ruby committers assuming they only code eighteen hours a day or so, and with hot-swappable everything, so next time you type svn co ruby, it’ll probably work.


Comment feed for ongoing:Comments feed

From: Pat Eyler (Dec 22 2006, at 06:32)

This is great news, and a wonderful contribution from Sun. I'm guessing that you had something to do with it, so please accept my thanks (and pass them along to whomever else deserves them).


From: Chris Williams (Dec 22 2006, at 07:23)

I just wanted to say "Thanks!" as a Ruby community member. Your recent interest in Ruby has been leading to a lot of good stuff - like people actually considering i18n, the JRuby guys getting an official gig, and now a nice big box for Ruby core committers. It's nice to see you and Sun contributing.


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December 21, 2006
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