· Naughties
· · 2006
· · · December
· · · · 21 (3 entries)

East Second · A picture of a derelict building on 2nd Avenue east of Main in Vancouver, which is an interesting neighborhood ...
JSON and XML · I hear people saying “JSON is great, XML is over”, but I don’t hear XML partisans saying anything bad about JSON. There are two arguments that are over, though ...
Building Ruby · A couple of months ago, Rubyist world headquarters over in Japan was looking around for something to run their new Subversion server on. We dug a box out of a closet and sent it along, and now it looks like it’s up. Jeepers, that’s a fully loaded X4100, it ought to be able to handle the next couple of thousand Ruby committers assuming they only code eighteen hours a day or so, and with hot-swappable everything, so next time you type svn co ruby, it’ll probably work.
author · Dad
colophon · rights
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