Last week, there were repeated percussive sounds coming from the general direction of ZDNet; those were the weighty blows being landed by David Berlind on the business and culture of DRM, which he bills as “Digital Restrictions Management” (I have another suggestion, above). David is right; the media industries, and the technology companies who are playing their game, are wrong. Here’s a hint: when the rest of the world wakes up and realizes they’ve been ripped off, they’re going to get mad and they’ll know who did it. So, to the vendors (see FairPlay and PlaysForSure) who are playing this dirty game: right now would be a good time to get your PR people working on the damage-control campaign.

author · Dad
colophon · rights
picture of the day
October 12, 2005
· Business (126 fragments)
· · Intellectual Property (48 more)

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