It’s in Slovenia, and its Slovene name is Koper, so why the hyphenation? Well, Capodistria is the Italian version, and since the city is jammed right up against a corner of Italy and there are lots of Italians there, and it’s officially bilingual, the combined form feels about right. It’s a nice enough place, and I took lots of pictures.

In all the Web introductions to the place, the first picture is of the Praetorian Palace, which is indeed a pretty interesting building, on Tito Square, which is a kind of interesting name these days.

The best thing about the square is right opposite the Palace; a café that includes a huge colonnaded veranda, which I patronized heavily for breakfast and coffee; damn fine coffee too, probably another Italian influence.

Praetorian Palace, Koper

The Palace is at the center of the old town; outside the old town, things get less fancy, fast.

Derelict Renault, Koper

In the heart of the old town is the Regional Museum, where the conference organizers hosted a dinner party.

Koper Regional Museum, by night

One of the highlights of the party was the a Slovenian folklore performance. This included singing, accordion music, and dancing; but the solo women were the good part, their harmonies very reminiscent of Le Mystère des Voix Bulgares, remember them? Also check out the mural behind them, obviously pre-1989.

Slovenian folk-singers in Koper

The old town is all narrow, winding alleys, it’s real easy to get lost. Check out the name of the bar.

Narrow street in Koper

This view is notable for the paint job and woodwork on the house; also, see the flash of blue at the end of the street?

Narrow street in Koper

Koper—Capodistria is a seafront town, with a nice little marina and, of course, lots of restaurants and cafés along the waterfront, very pleasant for chilling out.

The Koper waterfront

Where there are waterfronts, there are of course sunsets.

Sunset at Koper

I’d go back in a flash, but I doubt I’ll get a chance.

author · Dad
colophon · rights

October 02, 2005
· Arts (11 fragments)
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· The World (151 fragments)
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· · · Slovenia (3 more)

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