· Naughties
· · 2004
· · · September
· · · · 16 (2 entries)

Meet! Meet! Meet! · Back in Vancouver, thank goodness, and I’m not complaining about the moist grey weather. Last week to Brussels to meet the European Commission, then back to Vancouver to pick up the tent and head to Foo to meet with, well, everybody, then to the Valley to put on my corporate hat for multiple sessions around Open-Source and blogging and syndication. Lots of people spend their whole lives in meetings; I’m not strong enough, but still, a good week. Herewith a few words and a picture ...
OpenOffice Furore · My goodness, there are oceans of words being pumped around about some subclauses in the Sun-Microsoft agreement. I love Slashdot’s editorial judgment but despise the idiotic discussion threads, so suffice it to say that the usual people said the usual things there about Sun and Microsoft and litigation; but then check out Danese Cooper’s take. Anyhow, I think it’s sensible to be concerned about the potential threat. Of course, that concern would vanish if Microsoft were to state that they won’t use intellectual-property litigation as a competitive weapon against other office-software packages. Simple enough. How about it?
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