The title of this note is copied from that of a feature article in the magazine of Ha’aretz, an Israeli newspaper. I have a special interest in the Middle East, as a result of having lived there between the ages of seven and eighteen. I have strong opinions which by and large I prefer not sharing, as they have sometimes provoked tribal bigotry in people whom I like and respect as long as this subject is avoided. Ha’aretz in my opinion hosts probably the best—sometimes the only—discourse about the Israel/Palestine conundrum where the norm is nuance, balance, and humanity. The fact that the crazies on both sides sneer at it (as they do the current Roadmap) is evidence that Truth lives there. Enough of that. This article has a whole lot of that nuance and human flavor, and wide unclouded eyes focused on people, at least mostly, and mostly not on God or land or ideology or mythology or vengeance. Worth reading.

author · Dad
colophon · rights
picture of the day
June 20, 2003
· The World (148 fragments)
· · Places
· · · Middle East (56 more)

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