My Mom left for home yesterday, and my wife for two different meetings in Europe, so it's suddenly quiet with just me and the kid around the place. My Mom's a serious devotee of the arts of gardening, so before she left we went for a walk around the Van Dusen Gardens, which I think would be impressive even if you're not a flower geek.

Ceiling of Korean pavilion at Van Dusen gardens

The big show at Van Dusen was the rhododendrons, but while huge masses of tiny violet blooms against a grey sky are a treat for the eye, my abilities as a photographer don't extend to making much of them.

However, the garden contains a little Korean gazebo with an outstanding painted ceiling.

At home, the trilliums are up. This is a native Pacific-Northwest variety, pretty but rather delicate, we have a handful of them and it's a struggle to keep them going. Trilliums are usually distinguished by three-petaled flowers of a virginal, almost shocking, white, usually in pairs, like so:

Two white trillium flowers

But this year, one has a bloom which is dusted with a really remarkable pink, I didn't know trilliums could do that.

Trillium bloom with dusting of pink.

author · Dad
colophon · rights

May 04, 2003
· Arts (11 fragments)
· · Photos (980 more)

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