· Naughties
· · 2003
· · · January
· · · · 28 (3 entries)

Examples, Examples, Examples! · Today there was a release of a draft of the UBL draft specifications. I pulled them down and there's legalisms, and definitions, and schemas, and UML, but not one single example of a UBL message.... Argh!!!!! ...
Q and 1 are Too Close Together · In many Mac applications, Command-1 switches windows. In Mozilla, it brings up the browser (as opposed to Mail or IRC) windows. It gets used a lot. In almost every Mac application, Command-Q shuts it down. "Q" and "1" are way too close together on the keyboard, sigh.
Writing the Hard Line of Code · When I'm writing code, and building something complicated, there's this place I usually get to where I'm about to write "the hard line of code". Usually, I've just finished setting up a bunch of code to aggregate the data I need both to read and update, getting the locks I need, and other housekeeping chores, and now I're going to write the complicated bit of arithmetic or really subtle conditional that's going to compute the outcome value or decide whether to include the record or whatever the goal is. I always pause involuntarily and lean back. Then one of a few things happens:
author · Dad
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are my own, and no other party
necessarily agrees with them.

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