In which I have excessive Lightroom fun with a simple photo of some leaves.

This photo harvested on a visit to the VanDusen Botanical Garden, one of Vancouver’s nicer things.

Photo of leaves

The way it came out of the camera. Under a bright cloudy sky,
the white balance (as expected from Fuji X-cams) is exact;
they looked just like this.

I thought the fun of the picture was mostly in the geometry, so why not try it in B&W?

Leaves, black and white treatment

This is Lightroom’s built-in “B&W Contast High” preset, the contrast softened a little with the Tone sliders, and a bit of grain for texture.

But at heart I’m a color kind of guy. I was thinking of how I might improve the color, and to get ideas I looked at some of the Fujifilm vintage-film-look presets. OMG VELVIA!

Leaves, Fujifilm “Velvia” treatment

No judgment on this one, just that Velvia selection.
Every other time I’ve tried to use it the results felt garish.

I wasn’t entirely persuaded by the monochrome version, but figured maybe there’d be a nice stopping-place halfway down that road.

Leaves with softened-color treatment

Tried to find a halfway point on the color intensity, both with saturation sliders and by adjusting the balance, and (something I rarely do any more) bumped the Clarity slider a bit.

But in fact I’ve noticed that with vegetation shots, negative clarity is often a winner. So let’s go all impressionistic here.

Impressionistic treatment of leaf shot

The trick is negative clarity along with considerable contrast crankage and a little color softening. True to reality? Not in the slightest!

Photography is a nice hobby. Photo processing is a related but distinct pursuit; and its own reward.

author · Dad
colophon · rights

June 28, 2015
· Arts (11 fragments)
· · Photos (980 more)

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