Herewith two pictures of leafy branches dipping into Sankt Jørgens Sø, one of what in English are called The Lakes in Copenhagen. This is at the northeast, near where Vester Søgade crosses Gyldenløvesgade. (OK, I admit it, I love typing “Ø” even though I can’t pronounce it).

The two pictures are almost identical, and to be honest weren’t that interesting the way they came out of the camera. But I decided to try injecting postprocessing drama and enjoyed what I got.

Leaves over Sankt Jørgens Sø

You have to look pretty closely to tell which of the leaves and branches are seen in reflection.

Here’s the other treatment; admittedly a little extreme.

Leaves over Sankt Jørgens Sø

Copenhagen’s a nice place for a walk.

author · Dad
colophon · rights

October 03, 2014
· Arts (11 fragments)
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· The World (148 fragments)
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· · · Denmark (3 more)

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